
Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Purest Form of Love is Joy

There are very few days that will ever exceed the joy that I experienced today. Playing at the beach is always one of my favorite escapes, but being there with my kids, nephews, niece and other assorted family is amazing! We each took turns watching the munchkins as they splashed their way into the surf and back out again. The exuberance that they exhibited with every move could not have been more apparent and I loved every minute of it!

I have been to the beach many times with my own children, and when Monster Teen was much younger we went all the time with the whole family, but this was the first time that I have been with all of my nephews and one of my nieces (they're so much younger than my oldest and we don't usually have them all up here at the same time). The most amazing 5 year old in my life had me laughing hysterically as he karate chopped the waves and told them, “YOU'RE GOING DOWN!” My favorite 7 year old niece was riding the waves on a boogie board better than most of the adults on the beach... “I'm not moving until my Aunt [Ducked Up] sees how far up on the beach I got!” My own children enjoyed every minute of their time in the water and on the sand...Monster Teen spent the entire day out in the waves either body surfing or with his boogie board and Troll Toddler was fearless as he plunged head first into the waves.

Today was a gift that I will cherish forever. The laughter left my stomach aching in the most wonderful way, the children's tired (and yet still happy) little faces as we bundled them back to the cars, every single adult enjoying each other's company, the most perfect waves, the humidity low and the rain clouds stayed far away until we were completely done with our day. How could you not enjoy such a day?! I certainly couldn't imagine not doing so...I loved the time that I spent with my favorite red headed nephews, gorgeously blonde niece and the rest of the family!

I'm hoping that the pictures everyone took with my camera, as it was passed around from person to person, will help to show the love we shared today. Because that is exactly what that type of joy is...pure, true, LOVE. It is a love that I grew up enjoying from my own Auntie M, Mom, cousin and sister...just a small portion of the League of Extraordinary Women that has always surrounded me. I hope that my beautiful niece, rambunctious nephews and marvelous children will remember this day as I recall so many beach days on Padre Island with my family.

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