
About Me

It's always hard for me to put into words exactly who I am. It leads me to those age-old existential questions: "Who am I? Why am I here?" Well, those aren't going to be answered anytime soon, but I still have to come up with something that says, "ME" for this page, so here goes...

Born in Colorado, raised in Texas and now living on the East Coast, I've traveled as far as Japan. I love learning new things and have a wide variety of interests, usually crafting or building things. I don't discuss politics or religion, but have firm views on both. I'm a little bit funny, very talkative, a worry-wart, mother of two, companion of 3 cats, friend to many, sister, daughter, wife of a recovering alcoholic and with all of that and so much more going on in the world around me, I am....put simply...all ducked up!!

I've been a writer for as long as I can remember and a blog seemed like the natural progression of my creativity in that avenue of life. My topics will probably be pretty random, but I find that randomness is what keeps the world interesting!